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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12

Meeting for Worship

Silent Meeting : Weekly Worship

As a Quaker school, Moses Brown follows a central practice of Friends — Meeting for Worship, an extended period of shared silence and reflection. Open to all, Friends Weekly Meeting invites participants to reflect inwardly and, if so moved, to share a message with the community. 

At Moses Brown School, Meeting for Worship —30 minutes of unprogrammed space for silent worship, meditation, or simply reflective thinking - is part of the school week for every child, from nursery through twelfth grade. Each academic division of the school gathers separately in its own Meeting for Worship.

When a student or community member feels moved to share, they can stand and speak publicly to the group before settling back into silence, giving everyone something new to consider if they wish. In advisory groups, students may receive topics for consideration in an upcoming Meeting for Worship. Students are encouraged to find their voice and share their own truths with the community. 

Meeting for Worship is an essential touchstone for students. Upon returning to Moses Brown, many alumni cite it as one of the most cherished aspects of their 最大网络彩票正规平台 experience and long for this ingrained cultural respect for reflection and introspection.