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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12

Learning Support

Dedicated learning support staff for Moses Brown School’s upper and middle schools help students develop strategies and tools to support their learning, time management, and organization. 

Our Approach

At Moses Brown we believe learning support is most effective when students are driving the process and are engaging willingly. Our goal is to help foster students who are confident self-advocates and independent learners. Advisors and the learning specialists will coordinate to actively invite and encourage students to engage in academic support.

Learning support is accessible to all students, however what it looks like for each student may vary. Students have access to learning specialists during office hours and/or their study hall blocks. 

Strategy and Support

Typically, time with Learning Specialists will be used to strategize about possible tools and/or systems a student can use on their own at school or at home to help them better manage their workload and learning. Possible topics may include (but are not limited to): studying techniques, note-taking, organizational and time management practices and tools.

In addition to meeting with individual students, learning specialists also collaborate with teachers, create and run programming and consult with the school's counselors, division heads, and admissions. Along with partnering with faculty and staff on campus, learning specialists seek to share expertise and resources with families in order to create consistent support between school and home.

Individual Support Plans (ISPs)

The learning specialists are also the point people for creating formalized learning plans on campus, called Individual Support Plans (ISPs). For more information about the ISP process please contact admissions (currently enrolled families can log into My最大网络彩票正规平台). Learning Specialists  directly reach out to students who have Individual Support Plans (ISPs) and welcome all students to connect with them if they are seeking additional academic support.