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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12

Visual Arts

At Moses Brown, we celebrate your unique creativity.

Artistic expression can take many forms, and the Visual Arts faculty offer classes in a variety of media, from foundation level to more advanced courses. Students learn to take risks and, in the process of experimentation and discovery, learn new ways to think about and see the world around them.

      AP Art Studio
      Sculpture Studio

Moses Brown offers many opportunities for students to become involved in the visual arts through courses in an age-appropriate, sequentially structured curriculum. A wide-range of skills serving the beginner through the accomplished artists are introduced and built upon from year to year establishing a sound foundation. Students are encouraged to pursue individual interests and expand upon their skill and talent as they move through the program exploring their creative potential. The faculty collaborates regularly with other departments on interdisciplinary projects, believing that the visual arts can enhance academic learning in all areas by helping to stimulate problem-solving skills, teach students to see more critically, celebrate diversity, and increase openness by going beyond the easy solutions.